In “The Rockpile” by James Baldwin, this story takes place around the 1930s. This story includes many events and conflicts. The main one being when Roy disobeys his mother’s rule about not being allowed to go down and play on the rockpile. In result to him doing it anyways he gets injured by one of the other boys outside with him. Roy’s older brother John was the left in charge so when his parents find out he let him go down there his father immediately becomes angry at him. Even though his father is extremely upset, his mother comes to defend him. I’ve had this same experience multiple times growing up. My parents would ask me to watch my younger sibling to make sure they do not get in any type of trouble while they were gone, but yet they wouldn’t listen and ended up in some type of trouble or hurt. Unfortunately, because I was the one in charge I would be to blame for it happening.


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