The Sorrow of War 64-146


Quote 1: “From that day on, Kien avoided her.” (67)
2. This characterizes Kien, showing that in this moment he has chosen his better judgement by coming to his senses, stopping, and went upstairs.
3. Kien and Hanh were alone together. They were having a strong love connection with each ither when suddenly Kien stopped and tried to leave. Thats when Hanh told him to come back to her room in a few minutes. But Kien could not bring himself to go back to her room.

Quote 2: “The spirit of Hanoi is strongest by night, even stronger in the rain. Like now, when the whole town seemed deserted, wet, lonely, cold, and deeply sad.” (68)
4. This quote paints a vivid picture of the setting when the Hanoi spirit has arrived. It describes a time during a dark moment in history.
3. This quote indicates that the season is changing which is causes Hanoi to close its beautiful leaves and bright colors.


Quote 1: “They’d emerged from the war full of respect and mourning for the unfortunate dead, named and nameless alike.” (92)
3. This quote indicates the aftermath of war. How the remaining soldiers are looking over the battlefield seeing all the lifeless bodies.
4. It gives us the thought of the soldiers who were not killed walking, looking for any familiar faces lying on the ground.

Quote 2: “It seemed death itself was forcing Quang to stay conscious a little longer, to prolong the cruel torture” (95)
2. This moment where Kien was watching Quang slowly and painfully slip away shows that Kien is very strong-minded.
4. Quang being hit by that bomb, having his intestines laid out and his boned crushed. Quang’s life flashing before his eyes while Kien watching it all unfold in front of him. The setting was pure agony and sadness. It shows that they are in the heart of the Vietnam War.


Quote 1: “Kien felt the sharp contrast between the loud, chaotic night and the peaceful morning. Suddenly, he felt terribly alone; he sensed he would be lonely forever.” (107)
2. This moment after just killing 4 women, Kien is a nervous wreck. Drinking himself to death to maybe forget his horrible actions. He is showing remorse and grief of his doings.
3. It indicates Kien feelings after brutally slaying 4 women, 1 only being a little girl.

Quote 2: “His loneliness pierced her like a knife, throbbing painfully.” (115)
4. The setting is The mute girl and Kien laying down during the night. It provides the description of how she felt when she realized he was leaving but was not returning.
5. This connects to how women who have husbands in the army nowadays have that gut feeling that their husbands are not coming back home.


Quote 1:


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