In the article it talks about a trail maintainer named Hank “The Owl” Magnuski. Hank runs a cafe for thru-hikers passing through that want to eat, take a break, or catch up on recent news by reading new paper. He is well known for his infamous chocolate chip cookies smothered with whip cream and fruit. People who come along the trail often leave snacks and beverages in containers for future thru-hikers. But when it is left unattended too long, the wild life tends to go and take the food. Because of that the PCT has created some new rules and guidelines for hikers. The most important rule is to make sure you do not leave human waste anywhere near the trail, lake, or campsites. Secondly do not add any soap or sunscreen products to the lake. It can be extremely harmful to the animals who drink from the water.

From this article, I learned that there are alot of generous people in the world. The people who took the time to leave food and drinks did not have to do that kind gesture. Also I learned how to maintain and keep my campsite area clean. The last thing I learned was how to take care of the PCT. All the tips I read in this article we’re very helpful.

My first question why is Hank’s nickname “The Owl?” My last question is what motivates Hank to continue to run his cafe on the trail?


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